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  • you rush through each day, feeling drained by evening, with little energy left for quality time with your kids or self-care moments with your partner


  • you pour your heart into everything you do, yet your kids often resist, testing your patience and leaving you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed


  • despite your determination to break free from old patterns, you find yourself stuck in cycles of behavior you promised to avoid, leading to feelings of disappointment and self-doubt


  • the pressure to keep everything together leaves you feeling like you can't take a break, fearing that any slip-up will result in chaos and blame falling squarely on your shoulders


  • you question yourself constantly, wondering if you're doing enough as a person and as a parent, fearing you may be causing irreparable harm


  • you wake up earlier for "me time," but rely on coffee to stay awake


  • you stay up late to finish tasks, only to feel like a zombie the next day


  • you spend hours researching solutions, but end up discouraged when they don't last


  • you believe adding more to your to-do list will make you a better parent, yet you feel more burnt out


  • you seek encouragement from other moms, but end up comparing yourself and feeling alone in your struggles


  • you've tried deep breathing, manifesting, and personal development, yet nothing seems to work during a meltdown

What you're doing isn't working because you are solving for the wrong problem.

The answer isn't to do more, be more and accomplish more - that's just leading to more exhaustion, pressure and burn out.

The answer is to DO LESS.

Imagine a life like this...

You wake up feeling well rested and alive. You get to have a few precious moments to yourself with a hot cup of tea, and when the kids wake up you greet them with joy and excitement
You get through the morning routine without arguments, tears, bribes or threats. Everyone is fed, dressed, packed up, ready and content before it's time to walk out the door
You are in a career that excited you because it values your skills, challenges you enough and gives you a sense of purpose
You know what to say to motivate your kids to listen, you share more laughs and cuddles with them, you're giving them a different childhood than the one you received, and you know without a doubt that you are the best mom for them
You spend time doing tasks and hanging out with people who support you and have your back. They look out for you and encourage you to be the best version of yourself
When you experience challenges or are faced by haters in life, you get through those moments with your head held high firm in your beliefs and fully trusting yourself
You feel vibrant and sexy regardless of what you're wearing. Your partner notices and can't keep his hands off you. You enjoy pleasure in all areas of your life and life is good

This can be yours, all you need to do is say YES!

"You can let life steer you in any which way, or you can grab the reigns, gain back control, and live a life overflowing with positivity and joy!"


Working with Krista will get you there faster and easier

You will get...


  • a detailed plan of action designed just for YOU that helps cut through the noise and gives you more time and energy to spend on your relationships and having fun


  • the exact tools and strategies proven to get out of burn out and overwhelm so you can stop yelling and raging and connect more


  • new skills to connect with your body and feel good inside your skin so you can notice when triggers and rage bubble up and know what to do to shut that shit down


  • support to turn your inner mean girl into your inner bestie that steers you in the right direction - no more doubt, second guessing, or criticism so you can feel like you have your shit together and trust that you know what you're doing



Hello, I'm Krista

I'm so happy you're here :)

I am a science nerd and mom of 2 little ones living along the Pacific Ocean in Nicaragua.


I was born and raised in San Francisco. As a recovering people pleaser and perfectionist, I felt like my life was not my own but merely a continuation of the programming and conditioning that was given to me. I didn't know who I was and thought serving others was the only way I could feel valuable but it wore me down. I was burnt out and unhappy. So I left that all behind to start fresh only to have those same problems follow me.


Having the distance helped but it didn't erase all the old wounds that were begging for attention and healing. Running away or ignoring them wasn't the answer. I tried that and kept ending up in the same place: feeling disconnected from myself, unfulfilled and unhappy.


So I did something crazy. I let the wounds, triggers and big feelings come up and I EMBRACED THEM. This gave me what I truly wanted: safety, love and belonging. Now I get to be myself and be the mom I want to be. I am finally living a life that feels good and I get to model this for my kids.

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